(Lakers jersey, shorts)
My hair is really weird. I actually got a perm the other week and i still don't know if i made the right decision.. but what can i do now, anyway, right? It's pretty much a handfull to take care of compared to my old hair.
Back when my hair was straight; i was always pissed of how it never had life, how it was be just so lazy being flat and how it would never get messy. I used to just let it dry on it's own after taking a shower even with out brushing or combing it. In contrast to that; my hair now is a big hassle. I have to blow-dry it every after shower so it would be all nice . I put 3 different products on my hair; one for moist, one for volume and one for shine. It's a big responsibilty but it's pretty fun having something you would care for, daily. I miss my old hair and can't wait for it to grow back.