Sunday, March 27, 2011

How my Sunday started off

 I woke up to what i usually do at 5am: A mesmerizing view of the sunrise out my window. The sky always amazes me because of all the colors it can express along with the clouds and birds that fly by. (Pictures taken by me)

This morning; me and my 2 very close friends that live in my village, as well - Sean and Justine - planned on playing badminton for our "daily" (not so daily) exercise! We started off playing scrabble at 5:30am just for fun and then played a quick game of badminton and as we were playing Kassandra tagged along. 

(left: Sophie, me, Shereya)
Thanks to Kassandra Quisora for the pictures
After playing badminton; i spent some time with Sean's little sisters - Sophia and Shereya - outside their house and even had breakfast with them as their family gave us a warm welcome early, a little after sunrise. We had Champorado (a sweet, chocolate, Filipino rice porridge) for breakfast.  
(Me and Shereya) 
(Kass & Sophie)
Me and Kass taught Shereya and Sophie some old handshake games we used to play when we were young and they taught us a few of what they know, as well. Whenever i see them, it makes me miss how Kinder and Grade school was back  in California with my friends back then. We were the masters of all the handshakes, i would say. (haha!)

 (Shereya) Pictures taken by me

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