Thursday, April 12, 2012

Visita Iglesia 2012

Binondo Church

Sta. Cruz Church
 Sta. Maria Goretti Parish
  Nuestra Señora De guia
  Malate Church
 Cathedral Church
 San Agustine Church

We did the stations of the cross in the same churches as we did last year. Almost in the same order, too. Better quality images this time, though.. plus we we're with my cousins; Mona & Jethro. (great company)

Here's dad playing with some random kids by the street. I don't really know what game they played but it had something to do with winning coins.... 


 Our last stop was my favorite; for the Cathedral church and San Agustine church. It's my favorite cause before getting to the San Agustine church, we walk pass by a small Spanish looking street with a lot of random stands.. they sell so much random things (like glasses, phone cases, food, toys, dogs, etc)  

Dream catchers! A Stand filled with dream catchers!!

Me and mum all sun-dressed up. I look so awkward with my dream catcher. haha.